Friday, December 23, 2011

Pizza Hut or PHD??

It was a very frustrating experience for my friends and I that evening. Want to know why? For your information, if you want to order pizza delivery, you have to call 1-300-82-2020 instead of 1-300-88-2525. As for the website? Go to here for reference instead of here. We went to the second website to check out the menu, but when we called, the person there kept on saying "that's not available,". It didn't help that the operator guy was quite, uh, unprofessional. Turned out that, we were viewing at the wrong place!!! *sigh*

Don't know if we're slow in updating about this. Did you all know?

Anyway, initially we wanted Domino's pizza, but Pizza Hut's all we've got here in Tanjung Rambutan. So...

The good thing is, PHD actually gave us a new year clendar with monthly vouchers. 
Well, thank Goodness. 
Otherwise, we were ready to bash Pizza Hut for a terrible service. 

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